LSA Annual Conference
Thursday 20th & Friday 21st March 2025
The 2025 Conference will include a mixture of workshops and plenary sessions covering a range of topics from the Legal Studies syllabus. A dinner will be held on Thursday evening. Where available, the sessions will have presentation materials uploaded to the LSA website for delegates to access throughout the conference.
Speakers will include:
Gary Jubelin, Former Detective, NSW Police
Wayne Gleeson, NSW Sentencing Council
Lorraine Finlay, Australian Human Rights Commissioner
Professor Anne Twomey, University of Sydney
Professor Lyria Bennett Moses, University of NSW
Justine Hanks, Education Manager, Rule of Law Education Centre
The Hon Justice Stewart Austin of the Family Court
+ More being confirmed
A full program will be available soon...
Dates: 20th and 21st March 2025
Venue: Rydges World Square, 389 Pitt Street, Sydney
Early Bird Member Pricing (until 14th February 2025):
(register today to secure the Early Bird pricing - Sessions to be selected prior to the conference)
Both Days (Including Conference Dinner Thursday Night): $ 495.00
Both Days (Not Including Conference Dinner): $ 440.00
One Day (Including Conference Dinner Thursday Night): $ 375.00
One Day (Not Including Conference Dinner): $320.00
Early Bird Non-Member Pricing (until 14th February 2025):
(register today to secure the Early Bird pricing - Sessions to be selected prior to the conference)
Both Days (Including Conference Dinner Thursday Night): $ 545.00
Both Days (Not Including Conference Dinner): $ 485.00
One Day (Including Conference Dinner Thursday Night): $ 415.00
One Day (Not Including Conference Dinner): $355.00
Once the full program has been finalised you will receive an communication on how to select the sessions you wish to attend at the Conference.
Registrations to attend the LSA Conference close at 2pm on Friday 7th March 2025.
Amendments or cancellations need to be finalised by this date