
Geography 7 - 12 

Stadium Australia, Sydney Olympic Park

DATES: Thursday 13 and Friday 14 May, 2021

Geography 7 - 12 Workshops & Presentations

Annual Conference 2021 Day 1 has IELA validation. By completing on Annual Conference 2021 Day 1 on the 13 May 2021 will contribute 5 hours 30 minutes to NESA Elective PD.  Participants will be required to update eTams with their hours.

Annual Conference 2021 Day 2 has IELA validation. By completing on Annual Conference 2021 Day 2 on the 14 May 2021 will contribute 5 hours to NESA Elective PD.  Participants will be required to update eTams with their hours.

keynote speakers

Damon Gameau

Director, Writer, Producer and Presenter  

‘Damon’s film, 2040, is an innovative feature documentary that explores what the future would look like by the year 2040 if we embraced the best solutions already available to us to improve our planet.’

Damon is a sought after speaker and spoke at the 2019 UN Climate Action Summit in New York. Damon has also addressed numerous Governments around the world and spoken at organisations such as Google, BP, PWC, ANZ, Zurich, Atlassian, Utah Cleanenergy, Mastercard, Credit Suisse and many more. He was a NSW nomination for Australian of the Year in 2021. 

Damon will be the keynote speaker on Thursday 13 May. 

Ivan Motley

Founder, Director at .id

Ivan will relate to the story of himself as a Geographer who founded .id (informed decisions) which for over 20 years has been an innovator and set and maintained the industry standard for delivering demographic and economic on-line tools for locational decision making.

In a message for all Geography teachers, Ivan will explain that simply providing data has a low - level impact and to have and influence, we can give geographic data a soul through storytelling.

Ivan will be the keynote speaker on Friday 14 May. 



Due to changes to accreditation conditions for professional learning, GTANSW & ACT Annual Conference does not qualify for NESA accredited hours because in the interim period it is not a repeated course that is exactly the same as that accredited for 2020 and is not provided by one of the three education sectors in NSW. It does satisfy for inclusion as Elective hours. 

A spokesperson from NESA made it very clear that elective hours are as valuable as accredited hours and that this was a MINDSET that both schools and teachers needed to overcome moving forward. GTANSW & ACT stands by the quality of the professional learning experience offered at the Annual Conference, the biggest Geography Professional Learning event in NSW & ACT.


The GTANSW & ACT Annual Conference qualifies for inclusion as NESA ELECTIVE Professional Development. 

The conference satisfies the following:

• NESA priority area - Delivery and assessment of NSW Curriculum

• Elective PD Criteria (Enhances teaching practice; Relates to improving student outcomes; Provides for collaboration, transference, application; Involves feedback and reflection; Is research and evidence based)

• Interim Principles of effective professional Learning.


PO Box 699, Lidcombe NSW 1825
P: (02) 9716 0378

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